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​Stress May be Negatively (and Secretly) Affecting Your Health Without You Even Knowing It. 

Stress can affect every part of your life from your IMMUNE FUNCTION, to your MOOD, your HORMONES, your WEIGHT, your SLEEP and so much more.


According to the Mayo Clinic…

Stress symptoms may be affecting your health, even though you might not realize it. You may think illness is to blame for that irritating headache, your frequent insomnia or your decreased productivity at work. But stress may actually be the cause.”

If you are feeling stressed, burned out and out of balance, one of the most effective ways to take back control and push the reset button is through SELF-CARE.

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It’s easy to put yourself last on your list of priorities because you’re busy taking care of everyone else and before you know it, you feel burned out, exhausted and you’ve lost a part of yourself. 

And here’s the thing: Stress is very likely sabotaging your health, weight and fitness goals too!


Think about it this way…

We all have a cup that we fill on a daily basis. If your cup is constantly full or overflowing, it’s likely you will start to feel that impact physically, emotionally and spiritually.


What if, instead, you could...

Calm your mind, rejuvenate your body and renew your spirit, and focus on YOU for a while?  

Imagine having a road map (along with my support) to completely TRANSFORM how you feel over the next month in 20 minutes or less each day? 

Introducing the 30-Day Mind/Body Reset 

Discover simple and easy-to-implement solutions to dramatically REDUCE STRESS, IMPROVE YOUR MOOD, and BALANCE YOUR BODY AND SPIRIT in just minutes per day.   

What you will accomplish during our 30 days together: 

Create the Perfect Self Care Program for YOU. Discover the benefits of self-care, simple ways to get started and how to ditch the guilt and find a routine you actually enjoy that works best for YOU, in as little as 5-20 minutes a day.  Fill your cup first, so you can help others.  

Set Intentions and Boundaries for More Joy, Fulfillment and Happiness. Learn how to find more joy by creating a more intentional, balanced life that includes focusing on your needs while still giving back in ways that align with your goals, priorities and dreams. 

Discover the Food/Mood Connection and Mindful Eating.  Discover how certain foods can affect your mood, cognitive function, bloating, etc. and learn how to tune into what foods can be triggers for you, so you can learn to avoid them. 

Create Habits and Routines That Last. You’ll be empowered to stick to your new goals and habits with ease, so you are set up for long-term success. 

How you will FEEL after implementing what you learn: 

● More Calm
● Less Stressed
● More Focused and Productive 
● More Patient
● Experience More Gratitude and Joy

Unlike other programs out there, you aren’t going to get a list of things you SHOULD or SHOULDN’T do (we know that rarely works). 

Instead, you are going to be guided to making simple habit shifts that fit into YOUR life, so you can make them become part of your routine that becomes second nature to you, for lasting change you actually enjoy. 

Now, you might be thinking one of these two thoughts right now...

I don’t have time for self-care.


Isn’t self-care selfish?

​I understand these thoughts because I used to have them, too, and here’s what’s important to know… 

No matter what diet you follow, how much you exercise and what supplements you take, if you’re not managing your stress you will still be at risk for modern degenerative conditions like heart disease, diabetes, hypothyroidism and autoimmunity. 

- Chris Kresser, M.S., L.Ac.

Practicing self-care is a win-win!  It allows you to be a better parent, partner, child, friend, professional, and colleague. As we learn better self-care, we become better people in general. Being in touch with your own needs and feelings allows you to show deeper empathy and love toward others. By filling your own emotional and physical buckets, you are providing yourself with the necessary resources to also give to your family, friends, and the greater world in general.


And here’s the cold hard truth...

It’s those who think they don’t have time for self-care that need it the most!  

Over time, you have learned to live a hectic life and it has likely snuck up on you over the years.  You’ve become used to feeling tired and stressed even though you know it’s draining you.  While the idea of taking time for yourself may seem appealing, maybe you think you just don’t have 5-20 minutes a few times a week to do it. 

I’d like to challenge you on that belief and know that I used to feel the same exact way, so I get it...

After the birth of my son, I continued to work my full-time job as a certified athletic trainer, maintaining long hours and caring for my son alone for a solid 2 years--it felt like the weight of the world on my shoulders.  Then one day, I had a terrible headache (which I never get) & I couldn’t get out of bed.  My body had been giving me hints for months that it was too much, but I didn’t listen, so it gave me a lesson I will never forget - total physical & mental burnout for several weeks... 

Daisha Enos

Hey girl!  I'm Daisha Enos, and I'm a Master Health & Wellness Coach.  I've helped over 200 women develop simple, short, and sustainable habits that allow them to avoid the overwhelm & burnout - and start to live the life they deserve!  Every one of my clients has come to me with the belief that "nothing has/will work for me", and we collaborate to pinpoint the personal factors that determine their own success path.  As I mentioned above, I've been there & done that, and fortunately I learned the right tools to start living the vibrant "mom life" that I always believed existed - I now get to share my experience and knowledge with women just like you!

So, if you think you’re too busy for self-care, think again. Your body IS keeping score as much as you would like to think it isn’t. 

Here’s the good news: self-care does not need to be time-consuming and in fact, it can fit into small pockets of time during the day.  

The best part is that it can actually reduce your stress levels dramatically and also have you feeling more patient, calm and happier. 

I put this program together so you don’t have to go through what I did.  Let me show you what I have learned the hard way, so you can avoid the mistakes I made!

Get ready to finally CALM your mind, REJUVENATE your body, and RENEW your spirit! 

Here’s How It Works:

The 30-Day Mind Body Reset is a 100% online program so you can join us from ANYWHERE in the world.

Once you sign up, you’ll receive:

● A welcome email within 10 minutes that shares your simple next steps, including joining our exclusive Facebook group where all the action is happening over the 30 days.  

●  Weekly Action Steps focused on one Mind-Body Reset topic to get you on the right track with ease. 

●  Weekly webinars available in the Members-Only Private Support Group (watch at your own pace).  The Facebook group will be our hub for the 30 days where you will feel part of a supportive community of women who are all focused on the same thing. 

●  Coaching Support from me in the private Facebook group to help you succeed with each action step and overcome any challenges along the way. 

Sounds great! How much is it?

Normally, to work with me 1-on-1 for 30 days, the investment is $400 or more. 

But, right now, with this exclusive program, you can enroll and join me for 30 days for a fraction of that:


Only $47

​You’ll also get these special bonuses (valued at $60):
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According to Living Self Care: "self-care tends to improve our immunity, increase positive thinking and make us less susceptible to stress, depression, anxiety and other emotional health issues."  


Self-care isn’t optional if you want optimal health, less stress, and you want to finally take time to focus some time on YOU!

Join for a fraction of the price of working with me 1-on-1 - only $47 for the ENTIRE program!

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